Friday, December 6, 2019

Finding your Identity free essay sample

I have encountered a multitude of deferent ethnicities, beliefs, and cultures that all have different ways of speaking. The environment I grew up In has had a great impact on the way that I speak today. I grew up In a very traditional Hispanic home. Women were taught at a young age that our Job was to take care and cater to the man of the house and all of the children. Everyone In my family was born and raised Catholic. My dad Is originally from Espanola and moved to Albuquerque to go to college and pursue his career. My mother was born and raised In Albuquerque. My parents would talk to me In both Spanish and English. My dad spoke in a lot of slang terms that I picked up on as a little girl. I frequently used terms like Ala and Oral in my speech in an effort to embrace my roots and used the slang words my dad used on a daily basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Finding your Identity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My dad had three ways of speaking to e one was Spanish the others were what I called Espanola Slang and a very proper and professional English. I would refer to my dad as Pap instead of dad and he would refer to me as Champed or the kid. My dad taught me all three ways of speaking and I used them all in my everyday speech. In my house you were taught to be fluent in both Spanish and English. If you knew a word in English you knew it In Spanish too. As a young girl I leaned more to Spanish than English because that was a way for me to communicate with my grandmother that I was extremely close with.

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